Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Synchronous and Asynchronous!

To Sync or not to Sync?

Do you like to work at your own pace? Do you like work from home in your PJs? Do you like to work alone, in the quiet? 


Do you like to work collaboratively with people face to face? Do you enjoy immediate feedback? 

Many students (both young and old) are now being given the opportunity to complete school work at their own pace (asynchronous) or face to face (F2F- synchronous). Which do you chose? Be sure that you constantly interact on both accounts! 

Which is better???
Asynchronous vs synchronous                                        Synchronous vs asynchronous

For Teachers: 

Some examples of synchronous interaction tools include:

-collaboration tools (e.g., Google Docs)
-instant messaging/chat (e.g., Trillian, Neat Chat, Facebook)
-tele/video conferencing (e.g., Skype)
-web meeting tools (e.g., Elluminate/Blackboard Collaborate, Dimdim, Adobe Connect)

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