Tuesday, July 9, 2013



Netiquette is how we treat each other online. Be careful you aren't "flaming"! Many people, including students, need to be careful when responding to others online. This is not limited to emails, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, texting, etc. There are times to use smiley faces and cute pictures, and there are times to type in a business manner (such as a college application). However, sometimes people may not understand your tone so be careful with your words as it could be easily misconstrued. (Maybe using an emote would be appropriate here?). I think it is important to teach children the appropriate use of emotes, showing an appropriate tone when emailing or texting, don't "flame" others", and respond with appropriate language (no slang or shorthand!). 

When should you use Emoticons? 

What about when you respond by posting on someone's blog or website/space?

by Jacqui Sharp

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