Thursday, June 27, 2013

Internet safety is very important. It is one of the first steps in keeping our students safe online. The internet contains an abundance and wealth of information. However, we must ensure that our students are safe while accessing the plethora of knowledge that is so easily accessible. Some people believe that children should be given free reign when using the computer and some people believe that children should be strictly monitored. I believe that as our students get older, we need to help teach them healthy choices when they navigate the net. 

Online Safety Tips:  Top Ten Tips for Parents to Share with their Kids About Online Behavior

Netsmartz and Netsmartz Safety TipsTips, Presentations, and more galore! 

How do I socialize online?: Socializing on line

Cyber Safety Online: YouTube Video:


  1. Jess, I really like your topic of web safety. I completely agree that this is a huge concern and it is important to be proactive. I really like the top ten safety tips for parents. I think these are great tips!

  2. This is a great idea to talk about at back to school night!

  3. I'm looking for more posts that expand your ideas...couldn't find your position on the issue.
